Along with that Income Generating schemes for being economically independent by preparing them in the field of mobile repairing, beauticians, haircutting, tailoring, candle making, incense sticks making with the long term view to bring all 354 children to full pledge mainstream ideal home environment into Mercy memorial children home.

In the campus of Daniels headquarters leprosy patients living in different areas of the state have been provided with dinner on an annual basis and also blankets were distributed among them.
The volunteers of our organization do not hesitate to cooperate with the Govt. officials in the implementation of Govt. Program like Pulse polio, Vaccines, DTP and etc. need time in different areas and worked whole heartedly in participation in such programs.
In the year 2014-15 there werw 10 schools, but based on the performance of the organization, the Govt. have given 4 more NCLP schools to be managed by the DANIELS. This has added another feather in the cap of the organization and its growth to help the society. In the district of Jharsuguda about 14 numbers of such special schools for the prevention of child labor under National Child labor project of the district have been established at Bhootbangla, Remja, Mama Chowk, Stationpara, Lajkura, Ratakhandi(Jungle para) in Brajrajnagar area and at Bandbahal, Bhijikud, Charpali, Gourpada, IB Lakhanpur, Chuakani, Telenpali, Rampur, Abhyapur are being managed by our organization. So as to bring out a social educational development among the down trodden class of poor negligent child laborer. It is true a fact that DANIELS has excelled in its bright effort creating humanitarian activities with its cherished goal. For all those schools, teachers, assistants and cook are being appointed by the organization subject to the approval of concerned Government authorities. Necessary hired buildings for the schools, infrastructures, office materials, contingent articles registers books, dresses for the students recruited from the locality are being arranged and managed by the organization.
Nutritious mid-day meals are provided to the students admitted in the special schools of NCLP. For three years a students remains in the school to leave after completing his/her primary class V so as to admit him self / her self in the ME / High school for higher education.
Also rallies are arranged by the organization where present students of these specials schools shout slogans while marching throughout the locality to create awareness about child labor and its adverts affects impacting the local children, also encouraging children to join schools and discouraging society for child labor practice. Remove this one
To bring out a cordial social and spiritual outlook among the ignorance, helpless people living in the human society with misconception, wrong motion the organization has adopted a program ICT by recruiting selfless dedicated, devoted young men and women about 10 members to came to the fold of spiritual guide lines imparted by such noble personalities.

The admitted students both men and women are provided with lodging and boarding facilities for a session to learn about their duties and responsibilities towards the persons being neglected and living with miseries. A considerable amount of stipend is also given to them monthly. They are instructed to conduct field work with their visit to such families needed assistance and help for their sufferings, moral upliftment. The participants of ICT prepare their detailed reports on the families visited by them as advised in the structure.
The impact has been that these participants of this program have dedicated themselves for volunteering in the most vulnerable areas.
Since many are in wants of immediate employment but due to lack of skilled labors this program have been bridging the gap by these short term training and meeting the demands of the industrial districts. This year for the benefit of interested educated young man and women inhabitants of the district areas operated by the organization week day’s Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana training program had been conducted in the campus, auditorium hall of Daniel Public School, Brajrajnagar. Total numbers of 25 participants, both men and women had attended to learn about various profession, Business prospects, banking loan systems so as to make themselves eligible and capable for self employment. Expert faculties, resources persons on different profession, trades had been invited to impact the knowledge on self employment scheme to be adopted by the participants for their livelihood, economic standard and financial development.

Preparing children for school, this pre-school program has been imparting awareness to parents and alertness to society for the healthy emotional, psychological and physical growth of the school transition phase. It has been continued, the Crèche Program by the organization for smaller children from the age group 0 to 6 years in Shastrinagar about 25 children are under the care by the organization under this program. Earlier there were 20 children as beneficiaries, more 5 children were added in the list thereby expanding the importance of the program. They are provided with lodging and boarding facilities both along with dress and playing materials and emergency medicine.

In the peak of their human prime youths volunteering themselves for social work in their inhabitting areas in the state under the project fields of the organization are encouraged to form community centre in their respective areas. These centres take the responsibility of all the beneficial program conducted by the Government for the people. Even with collaboration with local clubs our organization helps in implementing Govt. scheme.

Arts and Culture is the important concern of any society for the development of the Human being – Arts & Culture of their section is the best media to be adopted. With a view to preserve the art and culture of the tribal belt of Darlipali in the district of Sundargarh, Orissa our organization undertakes the following activities:
Arts & Craft : To encourage the tribal people in the art and craft awareness building has been constructed in the area for the tribal people were facilitated for better marketing of their collection of products.
Cultural Trophy : A professional cultural trophy has been instituted in the operational area of awareness generation program in the field of cultural activities for Preservation of cultural heritage of the tribal.
Competition : A number of competitions for the upliftment and wide spread of tribal culture starting from school to village level have been organized.

The youths are the productive assets and true spirits of the Nation, unless and until the youths are developed their capacity is enhanced and their participation is effectively utilized, the nation can never prosper. But the youths today are found to be pessimists for widening
Poverty and un-employment. To orient the youths in nation building activities and to enhance their skill and participation in community development activities like vocational training program, vocational training on Mushroom Cultivation for youth of 20 villages was organized for 15 days in Kusharloi village. Free lodging and boarding with training materials were provided to the trainees. Besides a vocational training on Typing and Shorthand has been opened in for both boys and girls. During the reporting year 30 trainees have been enrolled.

To keep a sound health daily exercise is badly needed for an individual and in this fray the organization has identified as Rural Club by BYC to organize different tournaments on sports in the area taking the rural teams. Not only this competition is limited but is extended, by village Youth clubs conducting competitions among villages to bring unity and togetherness among the villagers in the western part of Orissa, in many places, like Kuchinda, Sonepur, Saintala, Banharpali, Bandhbahal, Kanaktora, Lakhanpur, Kolabira, Bhojpur, Khariar and in Telenpali of Brajrajnagar. Even recently one football team was formed and sent to Angul for playing in the sports mentor junior level football tournament was sponsored by the organization spearheaded by Mr.A.K.Naik.

Street plays have been an important medium to make people aware about development issues and to make them conscious of any issue also encourage the outlook of its participants. In this program also street plays have been very important, as these have been organized at the places like bus stand or at traffic rush areas. The public could observe the circumstances that everybody suffers while traveling despite stringent rules and regulations. The street plays aimed at making the public conscious of such rules, so that they themselves will guide the passenger vehicle or traffic on their roads. The plays have also been very helpful for the general road users. A sense of change in the traffic behavior is very much seem.
Also it has been a medium to catch the attention of Children and illiterate people who do not find print awareness interesting and difficult to understand key issues affecting us directly and indirectly.